This is the complete rule page of Cops and Robbers V for FiveM. Click
here if you want to see the user-friendly summary, which is also translated
in multiple languages. We recommend you to check this page often, because while major changes are usually announced,
sometimes the rules may slightly change without any notice. We also recommend you not to rely on downloaded copies of
this page, as the rules may have changed after the download time.
Here are some important things to keep in mind:
Not knowing the rules or being a new player doesn't make you exempt from them
Please, report rule-breakers in-game or on our Discord server to help us keep the server fun for everyone, but be reasonable, don't over-report, and follow the Reporting Rules
The burden of proof is on you, and the reported player is innocent until proven guilty by preponderance of evidence
These rules are to be interpreted by the staff, in the most reasonable and intelligent way, users must accept the official interpretation
We reserve the right to ban or otherwise penalize someone at our sole discretion and without explanation
a physical person that's registered on the platform
a human-controlled character
an AI-controlled character
a player that you like and you had at least one positive interaction with
a player that you dislike and you had at least one negative interaction with
a player whose game objective conflicts with yours
Game session
a game week, starting Sunday 00:00 and ending whenever the server stops or restarts
a tool that can give damage to players (guns, knives, melee weapons)
Less-lethal weapon
a tool that's designed to neutralize or disorient a player without giving them damage, currently: the Stun Gun and the Flashbang
To attack
to hit, shoot at, or ram a player or the vehicle they're inside or on its roof, intentionally or negligently
To defend (life)
to use force in response to a threat or an imminent danger to life by another player
Threat (in-game)
an endangerment by another player's behavior. Its duration is short by nature, it's no longer called a threat when the danger stops existing.
a player who's a threat may also be described as dangerous
Points of interest
stores, hospitals, police stations, mechanic shops. In general, places where all players have a legitimate reason to go and stay. You don't have to be inside the building.
To carjack
to drag someone out of their vehicle (and optionally, steal it)
Your property
your money, your personal vehicles, the vehicles you're currently using or you parked nearby, your home, your business, your items
a player whose wanted level is 0
a player that has the ability to gain or lose wanted level
a player that has a wanted level of one star or more, and their name is yellow, orange or red
Most wanted
a suspect that has a 5 star wanted level
a player that has the ability to arrest suspects
a player that has the ability to revive players
Police Activity
a pursuit, a shootout, or any attempt to stop or fight a crime
a feature that's built into the game/server, as opposed to player-created scenarios (RP)
an external addition to the game
a feature that doesn't work the way it is intended to
1. Do not RDM
Attacking, killing or placing hit contracts on other players for no valid reason, defined here as RDM, is not allowed on this server.
You may not attack, kill or place a hit contract on any other player except when allowed by these rules.
What is Defense of Life
Defense of life (short: DoL, includes self-defense and defense of other players) is defined here as using force in response to a threat.
Oftentimes, players are confused as to what constitutes a threat, so we have created this new paragraph with practical examples.
The following players can be considered a threat to you, or to someone else that you have the right to defend:
A player holding a weapon near you while facing you, unless you're in a gun store
A player aiming a weapon at you or in your general direction
A player shooting at you or in your general direction
A player trying to stab you or hit you with a tool or melee weapon
A player trying to carjack you
A player driving towards you with the intent to run you over or ram your vehicle
A player verbally threatening to kill you or harm you in any way
Keep in mind that the above are only examples, and the rule of thumb is that if an average, reasonable person would feel
threatened by the actions of the player in question, then taking them down for Defense of Life is allowed.
The duration of a threat is short, so you can only act in defense of life when the danger is active.
Part One - Civilians
The following sections only apply when you are a civilian (any role or job that can gain a wanted level).
a. Revenge
Being attacked, arrested, killed, robbed, or getting your property
damaged, stolen or seized gives you the right to attack and kill the other player(s) on sight once, within the
same game session. This includes any failed attempts to do those things. If you get
attacked again, your right to obtain revenge is reinstated. The chain of revenge stops when either of the two
players stops seeking their revenge.
It doesn't matter if the incident that resulted in your loss happened when you were a cop or a paramedic,
the important thing is that when you take revenge you are not on one of those jobs. You can switch from those
jobs to a civilian job to take your revenge if necessary, or you can place a hit contract instead.
When two players simultaneously kill each-other (also known as trading), the revenge is not considered to have been satisfied,
thus both players are allowed to find the other player to kill them in revenge.
You are also allowed to send another player to kill your target on your behalf; your right to revenge will
be satisfied once the order or contract is completed, and you cannot kill the target again. If you've been
sent to kill someone, you must have evidence that the order or contract has taken place (e.g. a DM screenshot).
b. Self-defense and defense of friends
You're allowed to kill an attacker in self-defense or in defense of your friends.
Whenever you have the reasonable assumption that your life or the life of a friend is being endangered by
another player, you can defend yourself and claim self-defense (or defense of friends).
If the attacker(s) are presumably together with other players (e.g. they're in the same vehicle),
you are allowed to kill those other players.
Some examples have been mentioned in the "Defense of Life" section above. Here we add a few more practical examples
that apply to civilians only:
A player following you or staying nearby without an apparent reason (they're not talking or interacting), unless you're in point of interest
A player following you or staying nearby when they have revenge on you, or a clear reason to kill you
c. Defense of property
You're allowed to kill players in defense of your property and the property of your friends from theft, damage and trespassing.
Examples of players you can kill in defense of your property:
A player steals your vehicle (or tries to)
A player damages your vehicle (intentionally or not)
A player enters your vehicle without your permission
d. Provoking
You're allowed to kill players who provoke you once, within the same game session.
If they do one or more of the following things, then they are provoking you:
Playing emotes that can be perceived as insults near you (middle finger, twerking, gang signs, and similar)
Playing music or making loud/annoying noises, unless you're in a point of interest
Holding the horn or honking repeatedly, burning tires, or making other noises with vehicles with the intention to annoy, unless you're in a point of interest
e. Players in a redzone
You can kill any player who is inside a redzone, marked on the radar by a red circle.
If the target leaves the redzone, you may not chase them out of it with the intent
to attack and/or kill, unless you have a reason to do so.
f. Players competing against you
You're also allowed to kill players in the following cases:
They are driving the most wanted vehicle
They try to steal the same vehicle you are trying to steal
They join a robbery you're doing without your consent, or it's reasonable to assume that they are going to
They are currently robbing a store and you want to rob it too without splitting the revenue
They are trying to kill the same player you're trying to kill or they stole your kill
They are a drug dealer and are currently selling in a drug spot, you're a drug dealer too and want to use that spot
g. Cops working against you
You are always allowed to kill cops when they're working against you,
or when you have a reasonable belief that they are.
When you are an innocent civilian, you can kill cops who are stalking or following you
or your friends, unless you are in a point of interest.
When you are a wanted suspect, or you're playing with wanted suspects,
you can kill police officers in the following cases:
they are chasing or trying to pull you or your friends over
they are shooting at or tasing you or your friends
they are arresting one of your friends
they are moving towards your location, and getting too close (within assault rifle range),
except when you are close to a police spawn location (police stations).
Once one of the conditions is met and you make the decision to eliminate the cop, you are allowed to
attack and kill them even if they backtrack and choose to flee.
Never attack and/or kill random cops, also known as "cop hunting", or you will get fined or banned.
h. Paramedics working against you
You may attack or kill paramedics who are doing one of the following:
Suspects who are seen holding a firearm, any type of blade, or brass knuckles
Suspects who committed a violent crime in your presence (against a player or an NPC)
Suspects who committed a violent crime very recently and you saw the call, the log of crimes, or you were informed by another player
Suspects who are obviously together with other armed or dangerous suspects
Suspects who are
fleeing with a boat or an aircraft
swimming or underwater
camping on ladders out of stun range
impossible to stun and cuff
if you just joined an active situation, and cops were already shooting at a certain suspect,
you may assume the suspect is dangerous and use deadly force as well. If it turns out that
the suspect was not a threat, you will not be responsible in this scenario.
you may use your vehicle at low speed to stop a suspect that's fleeing on foot,
and it's reasonably safe to do so without killing them.
you may use your vehicle to chase and ram a suspect that's fleeing with a vehicle, with the intention of disabling it.
you may use less-lethal weapons to stop unarmed fleeing suspects.
You should avoid stunning, blinding with a flashbang or punching suspects who are standing still and complying with police commands, or are handcuffed;
this is not a bannable offense, but you might get a warning, detonation or equivalent action.
you may also use less-lethal weapons on suspects who are in a vehicle and refuse to get out after you
asked them to. You may puncture their tires using spike strips or a less-lethal weapon such as a Stun Gun.
you may also use less-lethal weapons on any civilian or suspect who you believe is trying to
uncuff a cuffed suspect, or help a suspect in non-violent ways, interfering with your
arrest in any way that causes delay to it, walking on your police vehicle or around you, or blocking
the way and refusing to move.
You are not allowed to willingly attack/kill other players in the following cases, except in self-defense:
An innocent civilian
Another cop
A paramedic
A suspect that is surrendering on their knees
A suspect that is handcuffed (you can only stun them if they are running)
A suspect that is in police custody
j. Carjacking as a police officer
You are not allowed to carjack an innocent civilian,
a cop or a paramedic.
k. Property damage as a police officer
You are generally not allowed to damage the unoccupied vehicle of a civilian. You are allowed to damage or destroy a
criminal's vehicle if it's reasonable to think it's being used as part of a crime (including parking it on the crime scene).
You are never allowed to damage the vehicle of another cop or a paramedic.
Part Three - Paramedics
The following sections only apply when you are a paramedic.
l. Use of force as a paramedic
You may only use lethal force in the following cases:
Defense of a paramedic, police officer or innocent civilian
Attacking criminals whose presence is a threat to you in case you went to revive or heal another player near them
Paramedics have a duty to retreat: when the threat ends, you must stop shooting.
m. Carjacking as a paramedic
You are not allowed to carjack an innocent civilian,
a cop or a paramedic.
n. Property damage as a paramedic
You are not allowed to damage or destroy the unoccupied vehicle of other players.
Part Four - All Players
The following sections apply to all players, unless specified otherwise.
o. Most wanted
Players that are most wanted can be shot and killed on sight by all players except paramedics.
p. Players who agreed to be killed
If a player agreed to be killed by you, agreed to a duel or any other kind of deathmatch activity,
or agreed to roleplay a scene in which one of the participant may be killed, then all the players
involved in that activity will have no protection, and no fault. If a crew is officially at war with
another crew, then all the members are automatically involved in the activity.
q. Unintentional kills
If you unintentionally damage or kill a player, but it was a careless or negligent act, you could be subject to moderation action (e.g.
shooting in the direction of a player that you're not supposed to shoot at, and you saw they were there).
The only exception is when the situation was completely out of your control (e.g. lag issues, players suddenly running in the
middle of the street, or in front of your line of fire) or when a player uses a cuffed or AFK player as a human shield.
In case of car accidents, whoever disregards basic traffic rules, such as driving on the wrong lane or jaywalking, is responsible
for the damage or death.
Unintentional RDM will be punished with a fine or lesser punishment.
r. Associating with, enabling or facilitating RDM
Associating with a player that is committing RDM in your presence, such as sitting in their vehicle and not
trying to leave immediately after realizing what they are doing, is to be considered a violation of this rule.
Enabling or facilitating RDM, such as being the driver of a player who is committing RDM and not stopping your
car, leaving it, or driving away from their target is to be considered a violation of this rule.
2. Do not Cross-Team
Cops and paramedics are a team,
with different duties, and they are opponents to suspects. However, paramedics have a specific
duty within their team, which is not helping the cops arrest suspects.
a. When you play as a civilian
You can't team up or work with cops and paramedics, with the exception of the scripted features
You can't help them in a fight (unless you have another valid reason to kill their target)
You can't help them get away from their opponents by driving them away
You can't be in a vehicle with a cop while they're performing their police duties or while you're committing crimes
b. When you play as a cop
You can't team up or work with suspects, with the exception of the bribe scripted feature
You can't drive a wanted suspect anywhere, unless they are being held in custody
You can't help a suspect in a fight (unless you have another valid reason to kill their target)
Cops have the duty to protect life. You can't watch a suspect attack a civilian/cuffed suspect and do nothing
You can't watch suspects attack other cops or paramedics and do nothing
If you are transporting a passenger that is not one of the following:
a. a cop
b. a paramedic
c. a suspect in custody
then you are not allowed to engage in police activity until they leave the vehicle
If your passenger commits crimes, you're expected to stop the vehicle and detain them
You must not prevent another cop from completing an arrest, or attempt to arrest or search their cuffed suspect without their permission
c. When you play as a paramedic
You can't team up or work with suspects, with the exception of the revive and heal scripted features.
You can't work as a private medic for a specific civilian or group of civilians.
You can't help a suspect in a fight (unless you have another valid reason to kill their target)
You can't drive a suspect away from their enemies. If their enemies or the police are after your passenger,
you're expected to stop the vehicle immediately and allow them to arrest them or fight
Don't team up with or help opponents or you will get fined or banned.
3. Do not Cheat
Using any kind of modification or external program that gives you an unfair advantage is not allowed,
including, but not limited to: mod menus, wallhacks, noclip, health lock, damage modifiers.
Knowingly teaming up with users of such modifications is not allowed.
If you see a cheater, please, report them. Don't cheat or you will get banned and your progress could get reset.
Some mods may give the player a very mild advantage, but they are
widely used by the community, so we decided to add exceptions for them.
any mod that doesn't give you any advantage over other players
persistent crosshairs
tracer mods
lightning mods
reshade packs, unless they give you an obvious advantage
skydome textures
any mod that's intended to enhance the frame rate, unless they remove objects or collisions
changing the FOV
macros that send simple text, commands or the key to offer drugs/services
kill special effects
4. Do not Exploit
Exploiting any glitch, bug, script error, unintentional outcome of a certain system, or money/XP loophole of the
server or GTA V to your advantage is not allowed. Don't exploit or you will get banned and possibly get your progress reset.
Some of the prohibited exploits include:
using emotes (animations) mid-combat, to clip through walls/floor or to avoid a certain negative outcome
skipping script animations such as bandage, medkit and so on
intentionally getting other players a wanted level in an unfair way
staying on ladders as a non-threat suspect to avoid being stunned
spelling banned words differently to bypass the chat filter
using any GTA V physics glitch (ghost peeking, bike gliding, and so on)
This list is non-exhaustive, and the staff may ban you for exploiting on a case-by-case basis.
Hacking, reverse engineering, or any usage of our systems in a way other than the way
it was intended to be used will cause you to get permanently banned from our platform.
If you find an exploit, you should report it in a private support ticket. If you don't want to report it,
that's fine but sharing it with anyone else or encouraging them to abuse it is not allowed and will get you a ban.
5. Do not Combat Log
Leaving the server to avoid being killed, arrested, penalized by an admin or any other negative consequence that would
otherwise have happened is not allowed. It doesn't matter whether you had spawn protection or not.
You can combat log legally in the following cases:
A cheater used disallowed mods or exploited a bug to kill or arrest you
You've been in police custody for a reasonably long period of time and the cops are not taking you to jail, or unreasonably taking you to a far jail
A police officer or paramedic is trying to kill you against their job-specific rules
Since civilian on civilian RDM is hard to prove, combat logging is not allowed in those cases.
Do not log out mid-combat in any other situation or you will be fined or banned.
6. Do not Evade Bans
If you are banned from the server you are expected to wait the full duration of your ban. Circumventing the ban in any way is not allowed;
if you have multiple accounts, don't use any of them when one is banned, or your ban time will be doubled.
7. Do not Lie to Staff
You cannot lie to the staff in the following contexts:
When reporting a player for breaking a rule
When appealing a ban or any other kind of infraction
When claiming a prize, refund, or any kind of bonus
That doesn't exclusively apply to tickets: it can be anywhere as long as a staff member is involved in the conversation.
If you are proven to have knowingly lied to a staff member in any of those contexts you will get banned.
8. Do not Impersonate Staff
Impersonating a staff member is not allowed under any circumstance, and will get you immediately banned.
Some common occurrences that fall into staff impersonation are:
Claiming to be part of the staff, or to have been part of the staff in the past
Claiming to have the power to ban or apply any other kind of account penalty on someone
Threatening in first person to ban or apply any other kind of account penalty on someone
Driving a staff vehicle, wearing staff clothing or anyway having the appearance of a staff member
Using staff powers when not authorized (e.g. an ex-staff member whose permissions haven't been removed yet)
9. Do not Advertise
Advertising anything that isn't directly related to Cops and Robbers V is not allowed. Advertising means exposing a website, server, community, product
or any other kind of entity or object in mass with the purpose of attracting users towards it. A simple mention doesn't equate to advertising.
Advertising cheats or encouraging players to cheat will get you banned in all cases.
10. Code of Conduct
a. Underage users
Behave appropriately with users below the age of 18, or you will be permanently banned from the
platform with no possibility of appeal. You are not allowed to engage in any kind of sexual or obscene talk or activity with
underage users. If you are not sure of someone's age, assume that they are underage to avoid problems. If you don't use voice
chat we will assume that you are not a minor, so refrain from breaking this rule.
b. Harming or threatening to harm
Do not do (or threaten anyone with) these harmful things:
Real-life violence or sexual assault
Doxxing (exposing someone's name, address, phone number or other identifying information)
Hacking or other attacks (such as DDoS)
These actions can result in a full termination of your account.
Threats that have enough potential to be real may be reported to your local police department.
c. Illegal subjects
You should avoid discussing the following subjects at most times:
Real-life violence
Sexual assault
Child abuse and pedophilia
Suicide and self-harm
Mass murder, terrorism and genocide
Animal abuse
Illegal hacking and DDoS
Avoid publicly accusing other users of any of these things. Opening a private ticket to report
bad conduct of the types discussed here is preferred.
You must not talk in a positive way of those subjects otherwise you will get banned.
d. Discriminating
Do not discriminate people based on:
Religious beliefs
National origin
Sexual orientation
Don't use discriminatory terms to define or refer to people. Avoid blasphemy when talking about religion.
e. Cursing and suicide encouragement
Do not wish any of these things to anyone or their family:
Serious misfortune
This kind of language is off limits and it won't be allowed here.
f. Sexual harassment
You must not sexually harass other users over text, voice chat or radio. Sexual speech is only allowed in private without
the presence of underage users. Using the voice chat in a sexual manner in public spaces with players that you don't know can
result in a ban. If you are being harassed but it's not sexual, use the /block feature.
g. Disturbing and disrupting
You're allowed to play and express yourself in the game, however, you're not allowed to disturb other users while doing so. Do not:
spam or flood the global text chat
scream or play loud or distorted noises and voices
use the radio for purposes other than intended
blocking access to an area for no reason other than disrupting its normal usage
You are allowed to play music in an area where most of the present players approve. If you move to an area and players
that are already there ask you to turn it down, you must turn it down or move away. If other players come to your location
where you were already playing the music, then they must move if they don't wanna listen to it, except if the location is
usually crowded, such as spawn locations and popular stores.
h. Disrespecting moderators
You must not disrespect a staff member that is actively moderating by insulting them,
or otherwise provoking them or challenging them to punish you.
This can get you muted, fined, kicked and even banned in more severe cases.
This rule doesn't apply if the moderator was involved in the conflict in a
negative way; they must have shown a respectful attitude during the conversation.
i. Scamming
When you agree on a deal that involves trading in-game items and currency, you must complete the deal or give back what you have
received and you must not scam or deceive the other party. The server is not responsible for scams, and we don't guarantee the
scammed user will get their belongings back.
j. Selling in-game items or currency for real-world currency
You must not trade, sell or buy any in-game item or currency for real currency or anything that has value outside of Cops and Robbers V.
This includes cryptocurrencies and paid services such as Steam Wallet and Discord Nitro. You are not allowed to transfer
your personal Cops and Robbers V account to another person. You are only allowed to trade in-game currency for in-game items.
You are allowed to provide services, such as clothing design, for real money as long as you have a Tebex store
and comply with the FiveM ToS.
* Some features aren't available yet in the game, but the rules regarding them have been written in advance.